Sunday, 28 May 2017

Positive Inspiration Advice For Business Leaders Entrepreneurs

Welcome to the great Business Leaders, Owners, Founders, Directors, CEOs, and Entrepreneurs! Since you serve far more pleasant life styles like UK GOVERNMENT BUSINESS Departments.

BBEN Business Networks wants to support your businesses progress, development, growth, expansion and higher level Success!

For positive inspiration and advice access your:
- Limited Free BBEN Business Network membership now
- Free EBook guide with 100 ideas, business strategies,  and advice for SME businesses progress, development and Success! 
- Start to develop some good business contacts Free at this stage for your business contacts and development! 

Enjoy Progressing and BUILDING UP your Business, UK ECONOMY, UK EMPLOYMENT, UK INNOVATION for SOCIETY Pleasant Benefits!

Plus your Free BBEN Business membership & Free EBook 100 Business Strategies advices from Business Leaders who have lead highly success International Businesses. Learn more when join!

Dwight Harrison 

Wednesday, 24 May 2017

"Screw It" Rather Then Just Be London Student Move Up NOW Up To BUSINESS LEADER CTO Co-Founder!

Do you study or have you graduated in London, UK? 

Have you developed, created or innovated a "website" before? 

Can you do some small part time work at this stage as an International Business Partner or Co-Founder or CTO (which ever role you prefer very best)?

Do you want to help your fellow Students / Graduates to access even more "Jobs" increasing "Recruitment" for your fellow Students & Graduates so they can Live Even Better And Even More Pleasant based on Businesses Success with the website platform that you are able to create and innovate here?   

If YES, then simply get in contact to apply!

Text or message Dwight Harrison, Entrepreneur at BBEN "THE BUSINESS BUILDING EMPOWERMENT NETWORK on 07976734263

Confirmation information you sent or leave as a message: 

"Your name" 
"London, UK Student / Graduate with Web Developer Expertise applying for INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS LEADERSHIP role" 
"Happy to support increasing Jobs and Recruitment for my fellow Students & Graduates"

We then schedule a London, UK BBEN business meeting based on how you reply! 

Tuesday, 23 May 2017


To the great brilliant Business Leaders, Owners, Founders, Directors, Entrepreneurs who along side UK GOVERNMENT Departments supports, and serves even more better and far more Pleasant SOCIETY life styles solutions, thank you very very much!

BBEN THE BUSINESS BUILDING EMPOWERMENT NETWORK can support your greater progress, development and success as SME Businesses. Since SME Businesses make life far far more Pleasant for OTHERS!

The solutions we are looking at here, include business marketing, business finance, business network building, access to key business experts.

For now simply access the BBEN Free eBook Guide with some ideas and advice for your SME Businesses greater Success!

To your greater business SUCCESS!

Dwight Harrison

You A Web Developer Expert Who Can "Screw It, Lets Do" Richard Branson?

For London, UK Website Developers or Web Design Experts that want to Partner / Co-Founder / CTO so they can work within an International Business or work along side an International Business to Build Up their own Website Developer Business with more customers and more business development solutions learn more here:
Visit here to apply if you are a London, UK website developer expert. You are interested in growing your own business or alternatively being the Website tech leader in an International Business as BBEN CTO Chief Technology Officers:

Monday, 22 May 2017


To the great Business Leaders who enjoy BUILDING UP Businesses and providing Pleasant & Enjoyable customers solutions! 

BBEN is looking to work with great Business Leaders, Owner, Founders, Directors and Entrepreneurs who prefer to focus on how life styles for customers can get even better and more pleasant and more enjoyable. 

There are various solutions for Businesses growth, development and expansion. BBEN Business Network is here to support the UNITED KINGDOM ECONOMY UP SIDE BUILDERS Success! 

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Students & Graduates Who Are Thinking "Screw It" I Want To NOW Be A Business CTO!

This great opportunity is only for London, United Kingdom Students or even recent London Graduates who would love to progress up to now becoming an International Business CTO "Chief Technology Officer". Or even progressing up to being the Leader for Building Up their own "Website Development Business"!  


1. Before You Learn More First Check If You Do Qualify To Join Here!

- Have you created 1 or more websites for people or businesses before as a "Website Developer Expert" (ideally also you have also created an eCommerce website before)?

- Do you have a list of 1 or more websites URL's that you have already built up and created for others?

- Do you live right now in London, United Kingdom or within 15 miles of Central London?

- Would you really like to work on creating, developing, innovating a website platform that allows you to qualify to become the great CTO of an International Business or Co-Founder and the Leader for technology development and innovation for the BBEN International Business?

Or would you really prefer to create a website platform that allows you to now qualify to become the BBEN International Business Leading Top Level Website / Technology Business Partner where you can now "Build Up" your own Website Developer Business?

Do you share the same Forwards & Upwards vision as these great business leaders and entrepreneurs listed below when it come to creating, developing and innovating solutions / products / services that allows SOCIETY to gain and a now also access far more Pleasant Life Styles Benefits?


2. What Is The Role Work Here?

The role here is working with BBEN International Business and Dwight Harrison the Leader of BBEN Business to create, develop and innovate a website platform.

The website that you do create here, will be used by Business Leaders, Owners, Founders, Directors, CEOs, Entrepreneurs to support their even greater higher level businesses growth, progress and success!

Solutions on this website, and also offline face to face with business leaders would include items like (this can all be discussed in far more detail later stage to understand more clearly what is created here):
  • Marketing Solutions
  • Funding Solutions
  • Business Advice / Training Solutions
  • Business Network Building Solutions
  • 1 Charity Page To Provide More Benefits For SOCIETY Better Life Styles Progress!  
The work done here now, can only be done on a part time basis at this stage, but later stage we can look at you taking on a full time role here with a range of the financial and money income benefits.

So you can also apply for another full time job at this point if you do wish to, and you still can also work here with BBEN International Business on qualifying to becoming the leading BBEN Business CTO / Co-Founder / Business Partner.  
3. BBEN International Business Mission And Vision 

Is to support and serve Forwards And Upwards Small to Medium Businesses progress, growth and higher level success that add positive value to UK Economy, UK Employment, UK Innovation and SOCIETY Better and far more Pleasant Life Styles Growth!

4. Do You As A Graduate Or A Student Have The Self-Confidence And Self-Belief To Now Become A Great CTO or Co-Founder or Business Partner Here?  

All students and graduates are good, and when they leave University the majority will either get a business job or in some cases start their own business and both make a positive contribution to United Kingdom Economy Growth.

How as an Entrepreneur, I Dwight Harrison am very much aware that when you do leave University or College you can progress to a far far higher level Leadership position and role then simply just only getting a very basic standard job.

Simply note that there are people who were at some stage the "cleaner" in a business then later stage progressed up to becoming the "Chief Executive Officer" CEO in that same business.

There are people at age 16 who have become millionaires based on business activity and developing their own business. Even thought they were very young and did not have great business experience and expertise.

There are people that were disabled "blind" but were still able to get a Leadership position in the United Kingdom Government Cabinet Office. So they could serve and enhance millions of even better and more pleasant SOCIETY life styles and as Government Leader.

So you do not let the legal or illegal negatives get in the way of you serving even better and more pleasant higher level life styles for SOCIETY! Since we all deserve to Live Even Better and Live Even More Pleasant into the future.

You "can" become a great Business CTO Leader here but you just need to qualify based on session 1 above, even if you are still studying or only recently finished University or College.

Everyone can progress to even higher and better life styles levels and serve even better and more pleasant life styles solutions for OTHERS in SOICETY!

Greg Clark United Kingdom Government Leaders Business Department BEIS
Dwight Harrison, United Kingdom Entrepreneur Leader BBEN The Business Building Empowerment Network

5. Your Personal Financial Benefits For Qualifying As CTO or Business Partner or Co-Founder Here

  • There is an opportunity for you to generate some website clients and website customers from the website platform that you do create here. Since there will be various Business Leaders on this BBEN website platform. Some of them will required your website developer expertise services for their own business.
  • There is revenue share money with you or with your own website business so that you receive monthly money income based on the website created, once it is created.  
  • There is also revenue share money as a leading business partner in BBEN London Business Network here as well. Even if you are still a student or recent graduate you can still be a Leader in BBEN International Business if you do create the website platform here. 
  • There is an equity share with the website developer that creates the platform of £25,000. This equity share money value is before BBEN Business progresses to International level as a business. So this can be higher value for you later stage with the website you create here.   
  • There are marketing solutions from the website platform to market you personally, and also market your website development business to attract more customers to you with the website platform that you create here.
  • Please note that SOCIETY will also benefit from what you "can do" here. Here is just one positive and pleasant benefit example from what you create here. When a student leaves University or leaves College they want a "job". So the more successful the BBEN Business members on this  website platform that you create here become, the more students / graduates these successful businesses will need to employ and the more jobs they need to offer. So you can also support your own fellow students or graduates to live even better and more pleasant by supporting UK Employment Growth with the BBEN website platform that you do create here.  
5. How To Apply Now For BBEN International Business CTO / Partnership / Co-Founder Here!

Send a text message or leave a message on mobile phone: 07976734263
Confirm and send these details: 
"Your name"
"Student / Graduate Website Developer CTO Leadership Role" 
"I have created a website before"
"Only the 1st Part of your London Post Code eg. W1, SW1 etc)  

We can then review and schedule a London meeting to see how we can work together here, with you as CTO. To support greater businesses progress and SOCIETY better and more pleasant Life Styles Progress!

Dwight Harrison 



Friday, 19 May 2017

BBEN Welcome To Pleasant Life Styles BUILDING Business Leaders!

Welcome to BBEN Business Network to support SME Business Leaders, Founders, Owners, Directors, Entrepreneurs Success who all prefer to make Life Styles far far far more Pleasant for SOCIETY with their own Businesses! 

To the many many Business leaders who enjoy supporting and progressing:

BBEN Business Network is here to support your higher level Business Success!

BBEN Leader Dwight Harrison has learned great positive empowering inspiration from other leaders who enjoy and desire to serve far far far more pleasant SOCIETY life styles progress and development.

Great Business Leaders like:
Richard Branson
Steve Jobs
Henry Ford
Mark Zuckerberg
Bill Gates
Thomas Edison
Jeff Bezos
Larry Page
Plus the Head Leader of UNITED KINGDOM GOVERNMENT BUSINESS Departments.

Leaders here have a great positive inspirational Forwards & Upwards visions that allows them to create, develop, innovate, design, build up solutions that allows SOCIETY to LIVE even Better, more Pleasant, more Enjoyable, more Happy, more 

BBEN = THE BUSINESS BUILDING EMPOWERMENT NETWORK with a vision for supporting as an International Business the progress, development, expansion, higher level Success of really great brilliant Business Leaders, Owners, Directors, Sole Traders, Founders, CEOs, Entrepreneurs that all make LIFE feel far Better and far far far more PLEASANT for SOCIETY with their own business solutions!!!

To your higher level Business SUCCESS!!!
Dwight Harrison

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

For Your Benefits Know A UK Business With Tier 2 Tier 5 Licence?

To Support Your Business Greater Progress, Development & Success, Do You Happen To Know Any London or UK Businesses That Do Currently Recruit And Work With Foreign People?

Based On A Law Firm Advice, Check This First, Does That Business Also Have A Legal Licence Tier 2 / 5 For Working With Non-UK People?

If YES To Both Questions, Plus Also For Developing Support & Solutions For Your Business Development And Also For Their Business, Simply Introduce Them To:

Dwight Harrison 
Only Before 7th June 2017.

To Get In Contact For Both Their And Your Business Benefits, They Can Text or Message: 07976734263

Monday, 8 May 2017

How To Increase Your Client Numbers As A Website Developer Expert?

Are you a London, UK based Website Developer Expert and are looking to:

  • Increase your own Website Business Client numbers to "Build Up" your own Website Business?
  • Use the BBEN Business Website Platform that you create and develop here, to grow and develop your own website business to an even higher Success level so that you can serve even more happy website customers?
  • Qualify to work in business collaboration as a "Business Partner" or "Co-Founder" or "CTO" with an International Business, so that you and your own Website Development Business can both financially benefit here?
  • Receive a £25,000 equity share from the BBEN International Business you support in creation here, with the "BBEN website platform developed here". So that you now also have ownership in the BBEN International Business as well.
  • Use the BBEN website platform you create here, as a resource to also generate your own business some regular monthly income revenue money, to allow you again to "Build Up" your own website business to even higher Success levels.

Steps How To Increase Your Client Numbers
1. Make sure you are a London, UK based website expert. So that the London, UK business website customers are able to meet with you face to face.
2. If you are not in London, UK you can source or find a Website Expert in London you can work with. The London, UK website developer would be the "BBEN Leading Website Developer Expert Business Partner", and BBEN can then share some equity shares money (£25,000 split between you and the London, UK website developer expert, that you introduced to work together here). You can then receive some on going revenue monthly income for  you and your own website business development and "Building".
3. Have your list of website that you have already created and developed for other businesses ready.
4. Plan a London, UK business meeting, to discuss in more detail how the BBEN website platform can support SME businesses growth, development and higher level Success. Send a text message or leave a message with Dwight Harrison, Entrepreneur on +44(0)7976734263

To plan and schedule 1 Business Meeting for your Business also for other great SME Businesses Progress Here Send:
  • "Your Name"
  • "London Website Expert Increase Client Numbers"
  • What specific 3 dates and times from 11:45 to 18:30 GMT London, can you business meet to discuss in more detail items business mentioned. Plus key features and benefits on the website created here for your and other SME business "Building Success" ie marketing solutions, funding / income solutions, SME  business networking "Building solutions" etc.
 Simply check all 4 steps above, and we can then progress your own website business, other SME businesses and BBEN International Business together from here now.

Dwight Harrison

Saturday, 6 May 2017

Want To Attract Even More Website Customers To You As A Web Developer Expert?

£25000 GBP Shared With 1 Great Website Developer Partner Co-Founder For International Business Development Plus Attract More Clients To Build Up Your Website Business Here!

BBEN Business is looking to work with a London, UK based great Website Development Expert. If you do qualify as a great business partner / co-founder / CTO, there is a £25,000 equity money share at the early stage, plus additional regular finance revenue share benefits from the platform that the web expert develops.

Plus tools systems on the BBEN website here for the website expert to get more website clients from the BBEN platform that they create here. 

The £25000 equity shares is accessible for the winning web developer here even before this BBEN business developments into an International Business. 

To see if we can work effectively together here, to support SME Businesses success and more pleasant SOCIETY life styles development, text or leave message with Dwight Harrison, Entrepreneur on+44(0)7976734263